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Our Learning

St Elizabeth's School Dandenong North

  • We believe that the education of the whole child is paramount: 

    • the academic

    • the social & emotional

    • the physical 

    • the spiritual

  • We pride ourselves on providing an inclusive environment that immerses students in rich educational experiences that enables every child to achieve their success

  • We provide engaging and differentiated learning that fosters the individual needs of each child that develops a love of learning and a drive for excellence

  • We encourage our students to be risk takers; be leaders; be inquisitive; be creative; be innovative; be compassionate change makers and to be themselves



  • We are a faith filled community that embraces the Gospel values and promotes a community that is built on faith, love and hope

  • We embrace the unique and diverse nature of all members of our community

  • We embed the Gospel values in all aspects of school and family life, where our children are engaged and experience a multitude of faith and life experiences to enable them to nurture their relationship with God

  • Our Religious Education program exists to support each of our children to grow individually in their relationship with God and to develop the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes that will enable them to take an active role in the faith community.

  • We teach the children that as people of faith they have a unique way in which to make sense of the world and to determine how they can act in context of the common good of humanity


We provide: 

  • many opportunities for prayer, liturgy, meditation and celebration

  • an environment and atmosphere where the Gospel values align with our behaviours and actions

  • a Religious Education program that is taught through an Inquiry approach, where connections to the real world and life experiences underpins the learning of our mission as Catholics

  • preparation and participation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation

  • opportunities to plan and undertake various social justice actions within our local and global community

  • opportunities for families to participate in faith formation evenings like Prayers in Pyjamas and the Good Shepherd experience

  • a school choir who sing at our school Masses

  • partnership with Nazareth College, whose Faith leaders work with our own children receiving the Sacraments


St Elizabeth’s explicitly teaches and incorporates the 6 key concepts of 

  • Phonemic Awareness

  • Oral Language

  • Phonics

  • Fluency

  • Vocabulary

  • Comprehension


We follow a developmentally appropriate teaching sequence using a structured literacy approach, emphasizing highly explicit and systematic teaching of all components of Literacy. These include Foundational skills through to higher order thinking skills and cover the following:

  • Phonemes

  • Letter-sound relationships

  • Syllable patterns

  • Morphemes

  • Vocabulary

  • Sentence structure

  • Paragraph structure

  • Text structure


Through whole school structures including Daily reviews and Phonemic Awareness training, as well as structured Intervention programs, we aim for all students to have success and enjoyment in Literacy learning. 



  • Our Foundation to Year 6 Mathematics curriculum ensures learning in:

    • Number and Algebra

    • Measurement and Geometry

    • Statistics and Probability

  • Teachers focus on teaching each child at their point of need and supporting each child to develop confidence in the understanding and application of Numeracy concepts

  • Our emphasis is on linking student’s learning with the understanding that Maths is a critical area of knowledge and skill in the real world

  • We aim to enable our students to not only understand mathematical concepts but to recognise how they are used in our world and to apply them in problem solving situations based on real life experiences

  • This is achieved by embedding the following proficiencies into their learning:

    •  Understanding

    •  Fluency

    •  Problem Solving

    •  Reasoning

  • The use of concrete materials and visual representation during the learning of mathematical concepts is vital and a core practice used by our staff to assist in student learning.



  • Once a year, each year level will be provided the opportunity to take part in our Sustainability program, with each level being assigned to a particular term

  • This program is divided into three categories: STEM, cooking and gardening in the school veggie garden

  • For an hour and a half, students work in groups to fulfill an outcome in one of these three categories

    • The gardening group will harvest any foods that are ready from our garden, developing their own skills such as correct planting and maintaining of the plants as well as working together to keeping our chicken coop clean to ensure our chickens are living in a suitable environment 

    • The cooking group will take supplies from the garden to create a meal for their fellow classmates in our school kitchen. In this group, they will learn a variety of appropriate cooking skills such as knife skills and proper hygiene requirements needed when preparing food

    • The STEM activity will endeavour to teach students how to be critical thinkers and problem solvers in order to reach a certain outcome. This activity can include but isn’t limited to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics 


Digital Technologies

  • Our Digital Technologies program allows students to embrace the world of technology in their learning

  • We have a variety of technologies to support student learning. The junior levels (Foundation – Year 2) work with iPads in a variety of ways to make their learning more engaging and fun

  • Our Years 3-6 have their own Chromebooks, allowing them to use the technology constantly and in a variety of subjects

  • Our aim is to embed the digital learning into the curriculum seamlessly to keep up with the current climate in our world 

  • Students work with the technology in a variety of ways, such as in Literacy and Numeracy groups, collaborating with their peers on a piece of work or enabling research to take place from a variety of sources

  • Students have also explored many different opportunities to produce digital creations such as short animations, movies and coding patterns


Specialist Subjects

  • We provide four specialist programs at St. Elizabeth’s

  • These include: 

    • Physical Education

    • Performing Arts (Dance, Drama, Music)

    • Visual Arts

    • Chinese

  • Students have each of these classes once a week, allowing them to explore different mediums 

  • All specialist classes are aligned with the Victorian Curriculum

Specialst Subjects

Physical Education


Performing Arts

Visual Arts


Chinese 汉字

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